What is all of this?

I’ve been interested in photogrammetry and projection scanning for quite a while, but I’ve never really had a good way of capturing scenes in a way that is akin to “archiving” your surroundings. GSplatting, or 3D Gaussian Splatting, is a form of capturing scenes in a way that preserves the visual quality but doesn’t provide an actual polygonal model.

Unlike photogrammetry, GSplatting provides a fairly realistic gaussian of the captured scene that can be viewed using very little computational resources, this is a big reason why NVidia is investing time into NeRF (actually something completely different but they’re similar in output).

Anyways, here’s a quick demo that allows you to view models in a browser, I may add a few different gaussians that I’ve been working on, but currently I’m borrowing bonsai-7k-mini.splat. Note, this will not work on static browsers, “hardened” browsers (including firefox with arkenfox user.js), or any other browser that might limit javascript in any way. You can check out the code here, and here.

gsplat.js left click rotate, right click pan